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The Final Mission (Revelations about Jesus and His Return to Earth)

Magánkiadás, 1997
  • angol
  • 68 oldal
  • Kötés: karton
  • jó állapotú antikvár könyv
  • Szállító: Betű Antikvárium Bt.
  • A könyvről készült állapotfotó. Papír védőborítós példány.

Are we all believers? Should Muslims, Christians and Jews believe in Jesus as Prophet? Yes. Should all believers expect his prophesied Second Coming? Yes. Should we prepare for it? YES. This book is addressed to all believers of God who follow the monotheistic tradition established by the Prophet Abraham, Which is the diverse community including all Muslims, Christians, and Jews. The book provides documentation and commentary about Islamic scriptural references to the Prophet Jesus. The text has been expressed in an analytic style and syntax intended to be easily accessible to a wide diversity of readers.