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Writing Chinese With Ease (The Characters stroke-by-stroke)

Assimil, 2005
  • 236 oldal
  • Kötés: papír / puha kötés
  • jó állapotú antikvár könyv
  • Szállító: Vegyenkönyvet Antikvárium

Writing Chinese with Ease follows the 105 lessons of Chinese with Ease, presenting the characters in order of appearance throughout the two volumes. However it is not necessary to have used Chinese with Ease in order to study with this book. The explanations given in Writing Chinese with Ease can also be followed by students who did not choose the Assimil method to learn how to speak Chinese. By explaining their composition stroke-by-stroke, this book will teach you to write beautiful Chinese characters. The useful appendices included at the end of Writing Chinese with Ease, such as the bilingual Index to Chinese characters and the Table of Radicals, are the equivalent of your first Chinese-English dictionary.